One... I applied for an internal job I was perfectly suited for. I didn't hear back. A few days later my current boss told me he'd heard through the grapevine that I'd applied. Oh, and wasn't it a shame that they'd decided to move the role to NY?
The job is still posted. In London. Nobody has contacted me about it.
Two... I applied for an internal job for which I thought I was well qualified for. The hiring manager said promised to look at my CV and get back to me. Then nothing.
Two weeks later I got an e-mail from HR on my personal account. 'Dear candidate. Thank you for your recent application'. Generic rejection letter... Only it wasn't. It was actually an invitation to interview. Please select from the times below and confirm your availability blah blah blah.
I responded from my internal account and said my calendar was up to date, so please put something in the calendar. They did. I accepted.
This morning they sent a meeting cancellation. I asked why and if they were planning to reschedule. They said the hiring manager had decided to only meet with qualified candidates. So sorry about that.
Half an hour later they called back. So sorry about that. The hiring manager DOES want to meet with me. They did mean to cancel interviews with some candidates they'd changed their minds about; however, I wasn't meant to have been one of them.
Good grief.